
Cultura Money

Branding, Copywriting, Creative Direction, Positioning, Strategy

Cultura Money

Cultura Money


Jony Weitz, el finance Wunderkind, and the Alchemist Davicho Barona, finally joined forces in 2022 to create the place for free Spanglish daily finance tips, money hacks y buenas risas. Cultura Money targets a vastly underserved Latino market, focusing on 2nd generation Millenials and Gen Z navigating through the American economy. Cultura Money’s relatable voice makes it easy for them to see that with a little financial confidence, they can access economic benefits, improve their financial standing and take part like anyone else.

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When In Doubt, Act It Out

My Hollywood hat apparently fit just fine, and as Creative Director for a social content-based advertising startup, I was happy it did. On screen for my own scripts, I refined my Spanglish voice through rolling out replicable, short-form conversational concepts and concise, contemporary branded video segments, with a balanced blend of Cultura flavor and animated embellishments. As a bonus, writing for social content is just flat out fun if your punchline game is on-point.


We toyed around with long form video as well, always conversational and relatable. Social Media Storytelling should be organic and served fresh. Loose scripts with embellished edits was a great way to – first capture the free-flowing story, and then extract the peppered punchlines in post by adding trendy graphics, animated embellishments and sound FX.


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