
BolderBoulder 10K

Apparel Graphics, Art Direction, Copywriting, E-Marketing, Graphic Design, Illustration

BolderBoulder 10K

BolderBoulder 10K

America’s Fun Run

BolderBoulder creative brainstorming sessions at Genesis Inc. are legendary. This annual endeavor is so much fun to be a part of because the process is so collaborative that a lot of the time, chosen ideas are a product of the group’s connection and ability to bounce concepts around in a truly constructive environment.

Comp Romp

Jim Adler was responsible for BolderBoulder’s creative from Day 1, when I joined the Genesis team I was lucky enough to run in parts of it too. So, with Jim’s blessing, the team would hop to it and bust out more comps in a week than Range Rovers in Aspen.

Bold Resolutions

My last year at Genesis Frank Mufic and I played around with a bold take on New Year’s resolutions. I hit the nail on the head and got a massive uptick in new race registration numbers throughout the weeks that we ran the posts. Over the ~3 weeks of online air time, the ads increased the number of followers by 2000+

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