
Grandmother Power Exhibit

Ad Design, Art Direction, Branding, Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Typography

Grandmother Power Exhibit

Grandmother Power Exhibit

I said Bold, not old.

Paula Gianturco’s book “Grandmother Power” inspired this wonderful exhibit which was put together by The Grand Rapids Public Museum, and created by the minds of Genesis Inc, with me as the heavy lifter. The exhibit was a hit in Grand Rapids and I’m proud to have played a central role in bringing it to life for Michiganites and beyond.

Team Lift

Based around Paula’s powerful photography and storytelling, we tackled the planning and design of the Grandmother Power Exhibit: branding, advertising, supporting graphics and collateral. We sorted through 101 ideas, finally landing on a playful contrast between the traditional fluffy grandma activities, and the bold actions grandmothers are taking around the world to fight for what’s right.

Fun Type

Due to Hidden Talent #24: Typography! I made some fun type studies that ended up on shirts, aprons, magnets, hats, that kind of thing.

Grandmas Rock!

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